There comes a time when an individual and an organization must grow beyond its current state in order to achieve their goals. Many times, this means stepping out of the comfort zone and pursuing a new trail off the path that we are used to. It was with the same mindset that our CEO and Technical director, popularly known as Sukez decided it was time to spread his wings to America. But this is not for the common reasons you might think of, i.e. looking for greener pastures. With Sukez, it was a matter of a leader who understands that knowledge and exposure to different settings will help not just him, but our organization grow and achieve our strategic goals.
With that mindset, earlier this month our favorite hat-wearing CEO bid farewell to the team and got on a plane to Michigan, where he is attending his orientation for the prestigious Fulbright Foreign Student Scholarship where he will be studying for a Masters of Fine Arts in Film/Cinema.
Since his arrival, Sukez did not miss a beat, he has immediately started exploring “the land of the brave”, and so far his favorite moment has been when he was dropped in the middle of Chicago and challenged to explore the city and find his own way home. This is one of the orientation exercises that new scholars undergo in order to familiarize themselves with their new environment, people and culture surrounding them.
Talking to our team writer, Sukez was sure to mention that he is already learning a lot and he cant wait to share the knowledge and opportunities that come with the scholarship!
As one of the directors at Hd Plus Creations, This is a “plus” , as I know the skills which I will gain will help us get closer achieving our goal of becoming the biggest multimedia company in africa.
Gift “Sukez” Sukali
CEO, HD Plus Creations
HD Plus Creations is proud to have a leader with a vision and the mentality to grow the organization beyond borders and current capacity. We look forward to Sukez representing our “We Make It Happen” spirit in the US and wish him the best of luck as he embarks on this tremendous new journey!! Check out some pictures of his recent adventures in the gallery below.