Our CEO Mr Gift Sukez Sukali was on 2 November 2021 among the invited speakers at the united nations day 2021 which was themed “Building Back Together for Peace and Prosperity”. Mr sukali was invited in his capacity as CEO of HD plus creations which was involved in producing a video documentary called peaceful coexistence in Malawi and also for producing a film for social change ‘fatsani- a tale of survival’ .

In his speech sukali said it is a privilege to work with UNDP in the production of peaceful coexistence in Malawi documentary ‘When UNDP contacted us to work with them on this documentary we were very excited. This was an opportunity handed to us to show how best we can tell the story and also contribute towards enforcing peace and tell the importance of having peace in the country which something we had already started but with UNDP we know our work will reach a lot of people in Malawi and beyond. Thank you so much UNDP for trusting us with the PEACE-Co EXISTENCE IN MALAWI project. We hope it will reach the masses and we hope it will attain its common goal” he said

“we premiered a movie called fatsani- tale of survival (A FILM FOR SOCIAL CHANGE) which also looked into issues of tribalism, gender based violence, issues to deal with peace and security. Thank God, the Malawi Oscars committee have chosen our film for OSCARS 2022 and our main actress is also nominated for best young promising actor for the Africa movie academy awards 2021” he added.