In most cases when people hear “HD Plus Creations” they think of our C.E.O Mr Gift “Sukez” Sukali as he has long been the face of our brand. Starting from humble beginnings together with our current Projects Director, Mr. Hastings “Hago” Golosi, the brand has now grown into the most prominent media agency in Malawi and Southern Africa. But a closer look at our history and operations will show you that HD Plus Creations has become a success due to one critical factor, Team Work.

Even from the beginning when the HD Plus brand was just starting out, it was a result of team work and smart execution that resulted in the name going as far as it did. Sukez & HaGo would stay up at night during their college days, editing and planning projects while pursuing studies at the Polytechnic University (Now MUBAS). During their holidays, they would be supported by Sukez’s Dad, Mr. Stevie Sukali, transporting them to client meetings and shoots which eventually led to Mr. Sukali investing in the HD Plus Brand for it to become a full company after the two young creatives finished their degree studies. Mr. Stevie Sukali is now the Operations Director and Board Chairman of HD Plus Creations.

The company has now grown to employ over 15 Malawians and growing in different departments including projects, marketing, finance, operations, administration and creative departments. One thing however that you will notice when you engage the team for any type of work is their affinity to work together regardless of departments. You will see the administrative assistant Blandina Bottoman carrying a camera and shooting content on set. You will meet the projects manager, Sam Kabambe at a client shoot helping to ferry equipment around. It is this spirit of team work and support that has enabled HD Plus Creations to become the force it is today. For us, our philosophy is simple: We Make It Happen. Regardless of our official roles, if there is a job to be done and a deliverable for a client, it is all hands on deck until we deliver. This is how a small idea that started with two young creatives in a dorm room shooting music videos has become a renowned Media Agency brand that has done work for some of the biggest brands in Southern Africa including UN Agencies, Standard Bank, Airtel, TNM, Save The Children, GIZ, Millenium Challenge Account and many more. It is a testament to the age old saying that “Team work, makes the dream work”